Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons containing only $C−C$ and $C-H$ bonds. For alkanes each carbon atom is bonded to four other atoms.
Alkanes react with halogens in the presence of ultraviolet radiation or at a temperature of around 300°. This reaction is called a radical substitution reaction.
$CH_{4} + Cl_{2} \rightarrow CH_{3}Cl + HCl$
A radical is a species with an unpaired electron.
A mechanism is a sequence of steps, showing the path taken by electrons in a reaction. the mechanism for radical substitution occurs in three stages:
In this stage, the $Cl-Cl$ bond in a chlorine molecule is broken by homolytic fission, forming two chlorine radicals. UV radiation provides the energy for the bond fission.
$$Cl_{2} \rightarrow Cl\cdot + Cl\cdot$$
Homolytic Fission
This is the splitting of a bond to produce two radicals each with a unpaired electron.
In the termination stage, two radicals combine to form a molecule. In this example, the following molecules can be formed:
$$Cl{\cdot} + Cl{\cdot} \rightarrow Cl_{2} \\
CH_{3}{\cdot} + Cl{\cdot} \rightarrow CH_{3}Cl \\
CH_{3}{\cdot} + CH_{3}{\cdot} \rightarrow C_{2}H_{6}$$
The termination stage removes the radicals, stopping the reaction.